Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Kindergarten "cuteness"

Kelly and I are starting kindergarten tomorrow so today was our final day to finish our rooms. This is the cleanest our rooms will ever be as tomorrow 13 boys and girls will emerge on the scene. Our theme this year is western and as you can see in the pictures it turned out super cute. Don't you want to be in kindergarten too! Kelley and I tried to take a picture of ourselves. oh well!
Of course you have to have a HOWDY sign if you live in Texas and teach kindergarten!

Our super cute board that says WANTED by GOD and we will take their pictures tomorrow, print them out super duper fast and put them on the wall. Of course they will be wearing a cowboy hat. YEE HAW
Like I said before this is the cleanest my room will ever be. Everything is nice and neat and in it's place.

So this is where my summer went. Thursday book bags. These are themed book bags that have super fun kindergarten stuff in them along with some books that will be checked out on Thursdays and then returned on Monday. Last year I have something similar but this year I went all out. It was a major pain but I know the pay off will be double star wow!
Calendar time, an essential part of kindergarten, we learn to count to 100, learn what day it is today, yesterday and tomorrow. We wiggle teeth, discuss the weather and of course sing wonderful fun songs. Come and join me on the RUG!
More WESTERN gear!
Now if this doesn't make you want to sit down and read a book then I don't know what would...
So tomorrow is our first day of school and I think I am just as excited as the kids. There is nothing like the first day of kindergarten. The smell of new crayons, sharpened pencils, lunch at 10:45 and afternoon nap and a fresh start... Wish you were here to enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. You're room is HUGE and VERY CUTE!!

    Have a great year! Love 'em up.

