Saturday, December 18, 2010


So as I type this, I am watching my mother struggle to breathe. Such a hard thing to watch. she is in the hospital still and my family is on their way to New Mexico. I sent them on their way thinking I would join them soon. The dr today said my mother needs major surgery, she will have a drain put in her main artery to prevent any clots from traveling to the heart or upward, and then have major lung surgery to open the lung, evacuate and clean out the lung. She will be in ICU after the surgery and on a vent. Major surgery. The reason they are having to wait on doing the surgery is because she has been on blood thinners and her blood is too thin. She is getting vitamin K and plasma to thicken the blood. Pray for no more clots.Needless to say, I am not heading to NM anytime soon. Please pray for my mom as she is having so much trouble breathing.

1 comment:

  1. Can I bring you something yummy to eat tomorrow? Visit you @ the hospital?
