Friday, January 14, 2011

The Day has Come...

Lord, Please help me and grant me patience. My boys are starting to text with girls. I know for some of you it started earlier but for Trey who is 13 is pretty slow in this area and Travis who is 10 is above the curve. Both of them 'like" girls but Travis is one I worry about. Trey has girl friends and seems to get along with lots of girls but Travis is the one who I think will be girl crazy. As a mom it makes me sad that all of their heart is still not mine. UGH.... I know it's a part of life but I so want to protect them from being hurt, being vulernable and I know that I can't protect them forever. I am so thankful that we are such an open family and both boys feel comfortable to talk to me about this but it is still hard to hear. Wish my mom was here to talk to her about this. I remember my first crush in 5th grade, the bad boy of St. Michaels. I know my parents were not thrilled but guided me through all of the hurts and tears. Oh how I wish I could prevent those hurts and pray that my boys don't inflict those hurts. Children, they will keep you on your knees forever.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I do not look forward to this. I heart my boys! MY boys! :)
